Actually there is a version of truth in the democrap diatribe but not where the article points

The Glass Siegel act forbade most of the business activities that are the root of many of todays financial issues outside of the modeling muckup.

The man who was instrumental in getting Glass Siegle abolished was Robert Ruben under Bill Clinton.

Rubin was Co Chair of Goldman Sachs coincidentally our current secretary Henry Paulson was also a past Chairman.

Now of course we are playing pass the hand grenade blame everyone but moi.

Goldman Sachs will come of of this gangbusters, WOW what a coincidence

Watching how the market is doing its own song and dance today has anyone noticed how the repeal of a simple equation called " Mark to Market " has changed the whole equation and there must be multiple people in the AIG boardroom saying " What the fuck " banging there heads on the wall

The economist did a wonder skit on this with Henry becoming the first King Henry of the USA due to the fubar we have

( : ( : pete

Peter Baston


/ <>

Matthew Francisco wrote:
I think it's a poor move to use a model--did the Officers use a model
for their article in Time?--to fix blame with such confidence
especially when the thing to blame is a vague collective identity.
Granted, sometimes it seems that such fixing is needed because we need
to reaffirm our own group identifications especially if they are under
attack or ignored and more so if we are in political season.  The
point of Buchanan's article, I think, is that models are good at
generating alternative narratives about causation in systems where no
single person or group of people can ever know 'the system' and the
experts and stakeholders all see the system in different ways, with
different stories about how the system works.  I think a more
ambitious goal for modeling these systems is bringing together or
overlaying (integrating?) these local stories into a sort of

On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 8:44 AM, Douglas Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On another mailing list that I frequent, there is a small core of
Republicans who *insist* that is was the DemoCRAPS[sic] who caused our
current economic crisis.

I sent the following message to them yesterday, after finding the nice,
short informative article in Time (link below).  I find that it is sometime
necessary to use small words when dealing with political zealots.

Astonishingly, it was not the DemoCRAPS[sic] who were the cause of our
current financial fuck-up.  Read this short article to discover who is
really to blame.

Can you say, "Risky derivatives trading"?   Can you say, "Irresponsible
hedge fund management"?

I knew you could.,8599,1845209,00.html?cnn=yes

Me, I'm an independent.


Doug Roberts, RTI International
505-455-7333 - Office
505-670-8195 - Cell

On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 9:29 AM, glen e. p. ropella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

glen e. p. ropella, 971-219-3846,

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