Doug/Orlando: Your response suggests that ignorance/stupid people are at the heart of the problem.

But that does not really explain why they are so easily lead! For example, why can't the Democrats have a Dept of Stupidity that figures out how to inspire to them? Don't forget, they were at one time "The Party Of The People". Can't they regain that?

The "Founding Fathers" weren't dummies but they lead the nation. Did they simply figure out how to appeal to The Ignorant?

I realize elitism is likely an issue, but certainly we should be able to speak to all?

    -- Owen

On Oct 31, 2008, at 10:59 AM, Douglas Roberts wrote:

Why in the world does this surprise you? I would like to suggest that the
more intelligent of you on this list (we all know who we think we are)
consider the concept of "average intelligence". Cogitate on the following:

  1. The average IQ in the US is around 90.
  2. The distribution has medium fat tails.
  3. Bush was elected into office twice.


On Oct 31, 2008, at 11:39 AM, Douglas Roberts wrote:
But I digress:  what you were referring to below, indirectly,  was
educational level. I was talking about intelligence, or rather the abundant
lack of it in our population.  A small, but significant distinction.


On Oct 31, 2008, at 11:48 AM, Orlando Leibovitz wrote:

In my opinion, ignorance, fear and racism are major factors. A recent poll indicates that over twenty percent of respondents in Texas believe Obama is a Muslim. What do you think the political race would look like if Obama were white? Also, many of the issues are complicated so people give up and vote their reptilian emotions. There are still people that believe there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and that Saddam was involved in 9/11. For these folks Obama's middle name is not a plus.


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