Thus spake Douglas Roberts circa 10/31/2008 12:18 PM:
> Tried it once, didn't like it.
> ;-}
> I lean more towards the "Forrest Gump" philosophy on this issue: "Stupid is
> as stupid does."

I sympathize with your premature conclusiveness, unfortunately.  As I
age, I'm becoming more inclined to stick, inertially, to my own opinions
regardless of the available data.  Thank the gods stodgy old people die
off and make room for new ideas.

For example, Oregon has a state measure that "Changes general election
nomination processes for major/minor party, independent candidates for
most partisan offices".  It's billed as an "open primary" measure,
which, ideally, I would support (since I usually vote Libertarian).

But if you read the measure, you find all sorts of side effects that are
very _pro_ 2 party.  So, the measure (I think) would end up doing
exactly the opposite of what it's proponents claim it would do.  It
would tighten the grip of the 2 parties on the elections, primarily
because they're better funded.  On the other hand, by not repealing
prior related laws, it provides a way to totally rewrite the law with
later that may, in fact, provide true open primaries.

Gee, what's an average moron like me supposed to do, here?  Do I vote
for it or not?  In the end, I resorted to my old tactic of not voting
for things I don't understand, especially one's that amend constitutions
and require the government to spend more money than they already do.

glen e. p. ropella, 971-222-9095,

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