Marcus, what a nifty idea! ( Most of computing does not need to be exact .. a slight "error" generally is not terrible and for imaging, audio, and so on simply is not observable by a human.

And there are lots of solutions for making inaccuracy less observable. A few weeks ago, Steve was using netlogo, a projector, and a camera to build a camera coordinate system that lets the computer "know" where a particular event occurs in the world.

To do this, a calibration step of several horizontal and vertical stripes are projected and the camera collects the data. Steve used gray-coding:
to minimize the possible bit errors so that, for example, an error in the high order bit did not cause a 2^n error, but only an error of 1 (2^0).

I really like this sort of thinking. Letting computers be a bit fuzzy in areas where slight errors can be managed, especially with adaptive algorithms to bound the error, seems very reasonable, especially where the system achieves benefits in other areas such as power consumption and better random number generation.


    -- Owen

On Apr 23, 2009, at 10:02 PM, Marcus G. Daniels wrote:

Possibly of interest..

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