The admission of total technical incompetence on the part of the
refurb team is stunning.

Also: I wonder if the attorney's general would be interested in this.
The letter seems to be an admission that Newegg intends to simply take
this defective machine, restore the user partition to the OEM default
and *resell* it. Indeed, since they admit to being technically
incompetent to:

1. restore the disk from an OEM restore disk (assuming ASUS, like
DELL, provides one)
2. restore the disk from a disk image of a known working fresh OEM disk

and seem only to be able to restore the user partition from a restore

... I don't see how they could possibly be competent to refurb the
hardware enough to remove the errors that prompted your return.

So their letter appears on its face to be an admission that Newegg
intends to defraud customers by selling broken product over and over,
hoping at some point a buyer will just suck up the problems and not
return things.

Wow. Give 'em hell!


On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 6:56 PM, Douglas Roberts <> wrote:
> Dear fellow FRIAMers,
> Please enjoy the opportunity to be the first audience to observe the opening
> salvo in my newly-declared war on  I just got off the phone with
> their Customer Service Department, after having sent then a courtesy advance
> copy of the short article included below.  I wanted to give them one last
> chance to correct what I believe will be a much larger mistake than they
> might have anticipated.  Next stop Slashdot, then Linux Today, then CNET,
> if they will have it as an editorial.  Linux Journal, Linux
> Journal (Facebook).  I'll become a fan & write on their wall for all 6,384
> other fans to read. Linux Magazine Online, Linux Online, Linux Magazine
> (different from Linux Magazine Online), etc.
> This might surprise some of you, but I can become a large pain in the ass
> when I get pissed off.
> And I am pissed off.
> --Doug

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