Merle Lefkoff wrote:

Regardless of whether leaders act because of endogenous traits or a circumstantial opening, they are indeed emergent throughout the system. In human systems, however, unlike flocks, over-determined structures suppress this emergent property of the system. Rather than stepping aside to allow emerging leaders to bring requisite variety to the "flock", elite hierarchies/patriarchies suppress distributed leadership and generally prevail for long periods of time.

Ted Carmichael wrote:
I haven't read the papers all the way through, but on first blush, I don't see them as contradictory. Either could be correct.

A "leader" - whether bird or person - could act first due to internal traits (inclination, ability, imagination) or external influence. The first implies that the leader is different from the others in some way, while the second implies only a situational difference: circumstance rather than inherent traits.

Once the leader acts, this creates space for the other birds/people to act similarly, and follow the leader. The followers must have had the same inclination towards this action, because they end up doing it, too ... they just weren't over the tipping point yet. There was something missing that kept them from acting first. The leader's action clearly provides the missing element, and so all the followers perform the same action.

The remarkable thing about the flocking models, such as the one in JASS, is that they show that leadership doesn't have to be due to an internal trait. It may simply be a situational difference among very similar agents. Before these models were put forth, the prevailing view was that leadership is always endogenous to the leader. Now, at least, we can consider other possibilities, whether or not they end up being correct.


On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 8:57 PM, glen e. p. ropella < <>> wrote:

    sarbajit roy wrote circa 10-04-09 06:34 AM:
    > The religious grouping I belong to had cause to study/discuss
    this about 150
    > years back (concerning flocks of men  not birds). The leader of
    the faction
    > in opposition to mine (which means my faction vehemently
    disagrees with his
    > view) had this to say

    That quote from your opposition seems to fall in line with the nature
    article, the idea that particular birds/humans (presumably with
    particular traits, inbred or learned) turn out to be leaders.  I
    take it
    from your statement that you agree more with the jasss article, that
    leaders with no particularly exceptional traits emerge?  Right?

    Of course, to even have this discussion, we have to allow
    ourselves the
    metaphor between human cliques and bird flocks...

    glen e. p. ropella, 971-222-9095,

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