
Ok.  So, if I am correct,  this was an actual EXPERIMENT done by two 
researchers at Indiana University, I think.  As  I "tell" the "story", it was 
the practice to use individual selection to identify the most productive 
chickens, but the egg production method involved crates of nine chickens.  The 
individual selection method inadvertently selected for the most aggressive 
chickens, so that once you threw them together in crates of nine, it would be 
like asking nine prom queens to work together in a tug of war.  The chickens 
had to be debeaked or they would kill each other.  So, the researchers started 
selection for the best producing CRATES of chickens.  Aggression went down, 
mortality went down, crate production went up, and debeaking became 

The experiment is described in Sober and Wilson's UNTO OTHERS or Wilson's 
EVOLUTION FOR EVERYBODY,  which are  safely tucked away in my book case 2000 
miles away in Santa Fe.   Fortunately, it is also described in 

Dave Wilson's blog  

Here is the original reference: 

Auteur(s) / Author(s)
MUIR W. M. ; 
Revue / Journal Title
Poultry science    ISSN  0032-5791   CODEN POSCAL  
Source / Source
1996, vol. 75, no4, pp. 447-458 [12 page(s) (article)]

If you Google "group selection in chickens," you will find lots of other 
interesting stuff. 

Let me know if this helps and what you think.  


Nicholas S. Thompson
Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Ethology, 
Clark University (nthomp...@clarku.edu)
http://www.cusf.org [City University of Santa Fe]

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Ted Carmichael 
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Sent: 7/9/2010 5:34:29 AM 
Subject: [FRIAM] Real-world genetic algorithm example... help!

Dear all,

I'm trying to find reference to a story I read some time ago (a few years, 
perhaps?), and I'm hoping that either: a) I heard it from someone on this list, 
or b) someone on this list heard it, too.

Anyway, it was a really cool example of a real-world genetic algorithm, having 
to do with chickens.  Traditionally, the best egg-producing chickens were 
allowed to produce the offspring for future generations.  However, these new 
chickens rarely lived up to their potential.  It was thought that maybe there 
were unknown things going on in the clusters of chickens, which represent the 
actual environment that these chickens are kept in.  And that the high 
producers, when gathered together in these groups, somehow failed to produce as 
many eggs as expected.

So researchers decided to apply the fitness function to groups of chickens, 
rather than individuals.  This would perhaps account for social traits that are 
generally unknown, but may affect how many eggs were laid.  In fact, the 
researchers didn't care what those traits are, only that - whatever they may be 
- they are preserved in future generations in a way that increased production.

And the experiment worked.  Groups of chickens that produced the most eggs were 
preserved, and subsequent generations were much more productive than with the 
traditional methods.

Anyway, that's the story.  If anyone can provide a link, I would be very 
grateful.  (As I recall, it wasn't a technical paper, but rather a story in a 
more accessible venue.  Perhaps the NY Times article, or something similar?)


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