If you want to add your site to the (currently) 507 sites mirroring
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On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 10:09 AM, Owen Densmore <o...@backspaces.net> wrote:

> On Dec 6, 2010, at 1:15 AM, Steve Smith wrote:
> > ...
> As usual, nicely thought out and articulated.
> For me its simple.  I like WikiLeaks and the counter pressure they bring to
> bear. Not all corporations, politicians, militaries, labs, and so on are
> evil, but lately they've been throwing their power around way too much. And
> WL helps create a balance of power.
> It is absurd to argue that WL is putting solders and others "at risk".
>  They have been put there by their govt.
> But I doubt Amazon and other ISPs feel they can afford the mess they'd get
> into by offering WL an account.
> So what to do? My first approach would be Peer to Peer.  That removes the
> debate from the large and powerful to the citizenry.  Our first question
> then would be "would I give 1% of my computer?". For me the answer is "yes".
> OK then, how?  Well, the easiest would be Torrents. I'd simply subscribe to
> a set of Torrents that were encrypted archives that the EFF (Electronic
> Frontier Foundation) or WL would sponsor (RSS, name convention, etc).  This
> would massively replicate the archives, making it pretty difficult to crush,
> yet not "publish" the content in the clear until judged appropriate by WL.
>  We'd then need to create a P2P web tech of some sort, possibly built on top
> of torrents, to publish the material WL deems ready for the public.
> I'd also ask EFF to vet WL. Why? I have several friends associated with
> them, and although a bit on the fringe, I think they'd do a good job of
> calibrating WL, and possibly keeping them within bounds of sanity.  If not
> EFF, then Lawrence Lessig.
> Let the people decide!
>    -- Owen
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