Many years ago, perhaps more than 40, I swear I read a series of articles,
later published as a book, that laid out the basic principles of entropy,
told the history (perhaps mythic) of how GM tore up the trolley lines in LA
to get its dirty busses to replace clean trolley cars, argued that we would
in the next 40 years transition to natural gas as the price of other fossil
fuels rose, etc., etc.  I think I read it in the New Yorker, and I have had
two candidates for who wrote it, both of which have turned out to be wrong:
Bradford Snell and Barry Commoner.  Does anybody else remember it?  Is
anybody else on this list OLD enough to have read it?  


I promise I have googled the hell out it to no avail.  




Nicholas S. Thompson

Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology

Clark University <> 



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