This may be the article you're thinking of -- it's by Barry Commoner from 1976 
(so your memory may not be quite as bad as you think).  Unfortunately, you'll 
probably have to buy a subscription to the New Yorker archives to read it... or 
maybe see if one of those things called a "library" has it.  ;)

Of course, I'm not sure why you think it isn't by Barry Commoner.  I found this 
by searching for "entropy" on the New Yorker site.  


From: Nicholas Thompson <>
To:; The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Sent: Fri, December 17, 2010 11:23:45 PM
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Help with memory

Carl and everybody, 
The Wikipedia entry sure looked like it was going to have the reference, but 
alas, it did not!
You are probably all prepared for one of the well-known terrors of old age, 
you forget stuff.  But another terror of old age you may not know about – that 
you remember with great force and clarity things that never happened.  

So, everybody, despite Carl’s best efforts, the question remains open.  I have 
put in calls to local nursing homes, but in the meantime could you put your 
thinking caps on?  

PS  What the dickens did Roger Rabbit have to do with street cars and entropy? [] On Behalf Of 
Carl Tollander
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 8:28 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Help with memory
Google "Roger Rabbit", which sends you to     Many links.

On 12/17/10 8:03 PM, Nicholas Thompson wrote: 
Many years ago, perhaps more than 40, I swear I read a series of articles, 
published as a book, that laid out the basic principles of entropy, told the 
history (perhaps mythic) of how GM tore up the trolley lines in LA to get its 
dirty busses to replace clean trolley cars, argued that we would in the next 40 
years transition to natural gas as the price of other fossil fuels rose, etc., 
etc.  I think I read it in the New Yorker, and I have had two candidates for 
wrote it, both of which have turned out to be wrong:  Bradford Snell and Barry 
Commoner.  Does anybody else remember it?  Is anybody else on this list OLD 
enough to have read it?  

I promise I have googled the hell out it to no avail.  
Nicholas S. Thompson 
Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology 
Clark University 
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