Simply titillating, Pamela.


On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 11:01 AM, Pamela McCorduck <> wrote:

> I find this discussion fascinating, especially because it mirrors an
> ongoing discussion between me (liberal arts trained) and my beloved (applied
> mathematician/computer scientist). In over forty years, we've found that we
> can talk to each other at some level about these issues, but I don't expect
> him to read a novel the way I do, and he doesn't expect me to understand
> physics (and God knows, not fluid dynamics) the way he does. We speak in a
> kind of pidgin. It's okay.
> Tangentially, one of my favorite tee shirts has a bit of the Navier Stokes
> equation on it. People without any knowledge of physics just laugh. (Idea
> is: Which part of .... do you not understand?) Physicists scrutinize my
> chest and eventually say (to a man): Uhm, there's a syntax error there.
> P.
> On Jul 5, 2011, at 10:35 AM, Douglas Roberts wrote:
> Interesting, Bruce, thanks.
> BTW: on the subject of being of use to Nick re: his burning question of why
> water goes down the sink drain the way it does, Nick appears to have
> rejected the characterization of this phenomenon as a "really, really hard"
> fluid flow systems problem requiring graduate-level studies in the specialty
> areas of fluid dynamics sciences as the necessary basis for developing an
> answer.
> Which leaves us where?
> Apparently with Nick bitching that no one will answer his question.  I
> mean, it's a simple question, right?
> Also, as to Nick's suggestion that this list should refocus on complexity
> issues:  I don't think I've ever worked on a more complex problem than when
> I was developing simulations of fluid flow systems.
> But, it was just a simple question, right?
> --Doug
> On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Bruce Sherwood 
> <>wrote:
>> I can offer some historical context on why physicists at least are, on
>> average, unlikely to give Nick much help.
>> In the 1950s Halliday and Resnick, then at Pitt, created a new-style
>> intro university-level ("calculus-based") physics textbook, for the
>> freshman/sophomore course taken by engineering and science students.
>> Their motives included emphasizing depth rather than breadth, as
>> existing textbooks tended to be shallow surveys of a vast field. At a
>> conference at RPI honoring Resnick upon his retirement, Resnick
>> explained that in the service of the laudable goal of emphasizing
>> depth they had to eliminate some topics, and one of the topics they
>> mostly dropped was fluids, reasoning that the basics were covered in
>> the high school survey course.
>> With time, the book universally referred to as "Halliday and Resnick"
>> gathered a huge audience and is still at this very late date the most
>> widely used university textbook (now "Halliday , Resnick, and
>> Walker"). There was a trickle-down effect, because high school physics
>> is strongly influenced by university physics."Since Halliday and
>> Resnick downplay fluids, so will we", and as Resnick ruefully
>> acknowledged in his retirement address, fluids basically disappeared.
>> Fluids even disappeared from the curriculum taken by physics majors.
>> It is not much of an exaggeration to say that most physicists today
>> know very little about fluids (with exceptions, of course).
>> Occasionally there are clarion calls for bringing fluids back into the
>> education of physicists, but I've not seen any significant movement in
>> that direction.
>> In our own university intro physics textbook ("Matter & Interactions";
>> see, Ruth Chabay and I emphasize starting
>> analyses from a small number of fundamental principles rather than
>> from one of a very large number of secondary formulas, and we
>> emphasize the insights available from exploiting simple atomic models
>> of matter. In the first chapter we comment that in the service of
>> these emphases we'll analyze solids and gases but not liquids. Solids
>> have the simple property that the atoms don't move around very much,
>> and gases have the simple property that the atoms interact rather
>> seldom, whereas in liquids the atoms move around a lot AND they
>> continually interact. So in our own small way we contribute to the
>> continuing absence of fluid mechanics in physics curricula.
>> I'll add that my own perception is that fluid dynamics is really
>> really hard. It is a fiercely complex phenomenon. I don't think I've
>> ever seen a popular-science treatment of fluids, whereas there are
>> lots of good books on "simple" stuff like quantum mechanics....
>> Bruce
>> P.S. My own undergraduate education was in engineering at Purdue, and
>> I had a wonderful aeronautical engineering course on fluid dynamics
>> taught by Paul Lykoudis and using the textbook by Prandtl. Alas, I
>> never used this knowledge and it atrophied, so I'm no use to Nick.
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> --
> Doug Roberts
> <>
> 505-455-7333 - Office
> 505-670-8195 - Cell
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