Not wanting to bring this thread to the list without evidence of greater
interest, I have made posting on the blog more flexible, Robert has posted
there, and I have


On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 10:20 AM, "Robert J. Cordingley" <>
>    Interesting. It seems though it isn't knowledge that is core to your
>    discussion but our 'knowing' - the human experience.  What makes
>    some things 'compiled' knowledge (in our experience, like riding a
>    bike) and some things expressible knowledge (which we can teach,
>    like nuclear physics)?  Is it a physiological problem between muscle
>    memory, the spinal cord, and the thing we call the brain?
>    Robert C
>    On 8/18/11 6:03 PM, ERIC P. CHARLES wrote:
>    Shameless
>      plug: I have started a academically-oriented blog. I suspect my
>      most
>      recent post, on '<a moz-do-not-send=""
false;">The Myth of
>        Knowledge</a>', is relevant to many of the discussions that I
>      have been part of
>      on this list, and will be of interest to at least a few people
>      here. 
>      I
>      now return you to your regularly scheduled posts (and second the
>      point that the
>      'ultimate L' article was very cool).
>      Eric
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Eric Charles

Professional Student and
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Penn State University
Altoona, PA 16601

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Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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