"God is a circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere."

attributed to various philosophers, beginning with Empedocles

a non-dual rephrase> " ... whose center is everywhere and circumference is now here".

or even "be the hologram you are, babe".

On Aug 19, 2011, at 5:11 PM, Rich Murray wrote:

each of us is all of single entire unified creative fractal
hyperinfinity ...  .   .    .    . Rich Murray 2011.08.19

thus, just as with the one-to-one matching of any minute subset of
real line continuum with entire continuum, obvious by glancing that
concentric circles bigger and bigger around a common center, can have
infinite straight radial lines from - to + through the center at 0,0

we see any seemingly individualized "minute" process within the
fractal hyperinfinity has the same order of hyperinfinity as the whole

we can lose the concepts of inner/outer and small/large in many global
multi-dimensional geometries in which the fractal variations can not
be used to establish these kind of properties -- not simple or
primary, but applicable to limited subsets after a lot of mathematical
stage setting

the same goes for before/now/after or simple/complex or cause/effect

this present moment -- of awareness (somewhere?) of writing, and
awareness (for, "my" here, an elsewhere and a hereafter) of seeing,
reading, comprehending little crooked black ma r  k    s this very in
s  t   a    n      t

for all sides, actually inside, highly prejudiced testimony supporting
purported sustaining reality of self/world

with severely circumscribed templates for communication/collaboration

however, actually no ground to describe measure understand limit
predict fear control the now moment movement

any holding on just more proof of already never is

now moment already timelessly locationlessly sizelessly open/vast

the shared cocreated self/world simulation already making timeless
"quantum" jumps in quality as well as quantity

we deliberately openmindedly boldly
choose/invite/allow/accept/enjoy/trust/share/celebrate/function/ create/serve
of self/other simulation

here float
can do no other
God willing

within mutual service,  Rich Murray
rmfor...@gmail.com  505-819-7388
Skype audio, video rich.murray11

On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 4:21 PM, Grant Holland
<grant.holland...@gmail.com> wrote:


Wow. Thanks for passing on such a refreshing and informative article.

You get my vote for the most entertaining FRIAM post of the year (so far).


On 8/18/11 9:11 AM, Rich Murray wrote:

 "no one shall expel us from the paradise that Cantor has created",
Hugh Woodin's "ultimate L": Richard Elwes: Rich Murray 2011.08.18


Ultimate logic: To infinity and beyond

01 August 2011 by Richard Elwes
Magazine issue 2823.

The mysteries of infinity could lead us to a fantastic structure above
and beyond mathematics as we know it

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