Yes, I've been noticing this since the early days, how quickly TB-Ls vision was inverted... the "home page" becoming the external face of the person/institution/product, not the internal view of what is important...

I still see vestiges of the original in early adopters whose personal page(s) read like a set of bookmarks to all the stuff they care about, when if done well is not a bad view for an outsider... not unlike sorting out a new acquaintance by the books in their bookshelf the first time you visit their home/office.

I do not use things like myself, but do appreciate those who do (and share it with me). I tend to skip over this one-to-many sharing and seek to get a many-many (several-several?) thing going with setting up wiki pages. Unfortunately, this has not worked out well either. Hmmmm...

You-all do realize that function was the original intent for a home page?

On Oct 4, 2011, at 12:11 PM, Joshua Thorp wrote:

If you use multiple computers, multiple browsers or want to access your bookmarks from a friends computer this service can be useful.

I've been using <>. Nothing special that I notice but works as a replacement for how I was using delicious.


On Oct 4, 2011, at 11:58 AM, Nicholas Thompson wrote:

Robert, and others,
Another one of those naïve questions that drive you guys nuts:
Why would I want a book marking service beyond what is provided by my browser? [firefox] Not a rhetorical question.
*From:* <>[]*On Behalf Of*Robert Holmes
*Sent:*Tuesday, October 04, 2011 10:49 AM
*To:*The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
*Subject:*Re: [FRIAM] Delicious Alternative <>
It's a one-off cost of ~$10 but it's a really clean design that I find easier to use than the old delicious


On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 9:52 AM, Jochen Fromm < <>> wrote: The new Delicious really sucks, what kind of bookmarking service are you using now? Any recommendations? Is Diigo a good alternative?

Sent from Android

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