Look up the word "obsession" in the dictionary, see Owen's picture...

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 6:18 PM, Owen Densmore <o...@backspaces.net> wrote:

> Please keep firing questions as you think of them!
> God, what an offer!  Thanks!
> History: I bought the initial iPhone 2G, first by trying ATT, which failed
> due to lack of coverage (and poor service reports) so I bought one on-line
> and use pwnage tool to jailbreak/unlock for TMo and european travel.  It
> just died (after 4 years!).  I rather like the iDevice ecology, having
> macbooks, macmini, ipad, ipod etc, and have an app that is not yet on
> android but has a poor replacement on android.  I like that the apps span
> ipad/pod/phone too.  I'm not a power user, but use phone, web, mail, music,
> apps, maps, angry birds, ... at least once a day, no more than an hour, I'd
> say.
> I like TMo quite a bit, but am willing to try Vzn, less so ATT .. they
> still have poor coverage where I live (Santa Fe).  I find that the plans my
> friends have are impossibly expensive, > $90/mo, .. while I pay $58/mo.
>  There are some interesting alternatives such as buy unlocked and use
> prepaid plans, but this mainly makes sense on GSM, which here means TMo.
>  Even with Vzn, I would prefer a "world phone", thus GSM (Italy 1-2
> months/yr).  Main negative for TMo is AWS rather than the more standard 3G
> etc, and would eliminate iPhone unless Edge was good enough, which I
> haven't found to be the case.  I've looked at a lot of alternatives: MVNOs,
> WiFi "carriers", prepaid, Senior plans (I'm 69) and even cheaper phones +
> iPod.
> If I had my choice, I'd buy an unlocked iPhone, 4 or 4s, and use it on ...
> hmm, ATT, no, lousy coverage, TMo, no, uses non-compatible broadband.  Well
> what's left?
> 1 - See if the Vzn iPhone 4s is OK, get the european SIM unlock, and see
> if I can avoid $90/mo bills.
> 2 - Suck it up, embrace android, and go with TMo.  They seem to have OK
> phones.  They have brilliant plans, both contract and pre-payed.  And are
> way less than $90/mo.  They've saved my skin more than once with problems
> traveling.
> 3 - Buy a prepaid GoPhone ATT SIM and try it on unlocked phone to see if
> coverage has improved.  Then try ATT + iPhone and see if I can avoid $90/mo
> bills.  I also prefer their more standard broadband, but not a big deal.
> That sounds like Pogue's great "I Want An IPhone" video, but I really am
> open to change.  The difficulty is the "gotchas": plans that are really
> expensive, having duplicate apps for android and iOS (pad/pod/phone),
> phones that I don't trust (yet), mobility (I really find it hard to
> understand folks leaving europe out of their plans, but then...), batteries
> that die if I forget to turn off x,y,z and kill app a,b,c ... and billions
> of cellular issues that I don't really understand as well as I'd like (TMo
> about to die? Why do plans cost so much?, WTF w/ AWS?)
> So that's it!  And I really thank you for your clear explanation of some
> of the android world that I didn't "get".
>    -- Owen
> On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 4:12 PM, Chris Feola <ch...@nextpression.com>wrote:
>>  Hi Owen,
>>  Yes, Android phones are open. There are two paths for this:
>>  1. Download updates yourself. Lots of places to do this, the best of
>> which is generally regarded to be CyanogenMod http://www.cyanogenmod.com/
>> 2. Wait for your manufacturer to stream you updates.
>> Plenty of good reasons to do both.  The best manufacturers -- I like HTC
>> -- are consistently tweaking and adding features. CyanogenMod tends to be
>> faster to the big updates. Use what you like.
>> There has been some controversy about locked bootloaders, but everyone
>> has pretty much backed off of that now.
>>  As to battery life, I'm sorry if I was unclear. The Sensation is as
>> good or better for battery life when you use it the same way. But you
>> won't.  If you keep that quarterHD screen lit for four hours non-stop
>> reading Heinlein on your Kindle app while streaming Pandora...yeah, you're
>> going to need to recharge. If you only flick the screen on when you hear a
>> text come in, not so much.
>>  Please keep firing questions as you think of them!
>>  cjf
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