I assume you mean 'free kittens' as in free up front but thousands of
dollars in food and veterinary checkups per year for ten plus years?
As to how one would go about constructing a meshnet, I *think* all that
would be required is a program constantly running on devices, looking for
signals from other devices, and acting as a translator for those signals; I
suppose as a merger, also (device asks for a resource from connected
devices, devices check for resource on accessible networks, out of the ones
that can get it, one device is selected to perform the transfer).
But I had only heard of the concept recently, and have only heard of one
strong effort to do such a thing (One LapTop Per Child [OLPC], according to
my friend Max Bond) so my knowledge is fairly minimal, I am working off
guesswork so far. I shall have to do more research...
-Arlo James Barnes
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