Consider Baez on Octonions - talks about what the issues are. Beyond me for now. Suspect you are about to pop out of algebra and end up someplace else as interesting.


On 1/23/12 5:38 PM, Owen Densmore wrote:
Integers, Rationals, Reals .. these scalars seemed to be enough for quite a while. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division all seemed to do well in that domain.

But then came the embarrassing questions that involved the square root of negative quantities and the brilliant "invention" of complex numbers (a + bi) where i = ?-1 which allows the fundamental theorem of algebra .. i.e. that a polynomial of degree n has n roots .. but the roots must be allowed to be complex.

The obvious question is "what next"? I.e. if we look at complex numbers at 2-tuples with a peculiar algebra, shouldn't we expect 3-tuples and more that are needed for operations beyond polynomial equations?

This led me to think of linear algebra .. after all, there we are comfortable with n-tuples and we can apply any algebra we'd like to them (likely limiting them to be fields).

Wikipedia shows this:

which illustrates an interesting job of integrating complex numbers into matrix form, not surprising 2x2, although the matrices are the primitives in this algebra, not 2-tuples.

3D transforms do get us into quaternions which wikipedia

considers a generalization of complex numbers.

So the question is: are there higher order numbers beyond complex needed for algebraic operations? Naturally n-tuples show up in linear algebra, over the fields N,I,Q,Z and C. But are there "primitive" numbers beyond C that linear algebra, for example, might include?

What's next?  And what does it resolve?

   -- Owen

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