is an interesting Pew poll on the whole election scene, Republican primary
as well as an Obama second term.

I'm a bit surprised about the Health Care tie, although is makes sense if
one compares other alternatives that at least approach a single payer.

   -- Owen


President Barack Obama is leading all of the Republican presidential
candidates in head-to-head match-ups, according to a poll released
Wednesday by the Pew Research Center for the People and the

A national survey taken March 7-11 showed Obama leading Romney by 12
percentage points (54-42) and even further ahead of Santorum with 57
percent of support to Santorum's 29 percent. Those numbers are likely to
shift as Republicans rally around a single candidate in the coming months,
but as a snapshot, the data suggest a brighter scenario for Obama than in
previous polls.

Bullet Point Headings (expanded in article):

Obama's approval rating rises to 50 percent
Romney's national lead widening among Republican primary voters
Americans think Obama will win a second term
A majority of Americans have an unfavorable view of the Republican
candidates after a long primary
Voters don't know that Santorum is Catholic
Republicans struggling with women and minorities
Nation split over federal health care overhaul
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