Dear Eric Smith (and other patient people), 


I have been trying to get the chance to lay this out for three days, and have 
just not had the time.  I am enthralled at the moment by the scientific 
philosophy of Charles Saunders Peirce because, weird as it is, it seems to 
capture a lot of what I think about a lot of things.  It also, it stands at the 
root of many of our institutions.  You can access this connection through 
Menand's, The Metaphysical Club.   Many of the foundational beliefs we hold 
about education and science and even jurisprudence are partly due to Peirce.


I am not sure Peirce thought he needed (1) below,  but I need it to get him 
started, so I will attribute it to him. 


(1) Humans are a knowledge-gathering species by nature. Darwinism tells us that 
humans have survived both as communities and as a species because their 
cognitive processes have brought their beliefs into concert with the world.  
(Peirce is a bit of a group Selectionist.) A belief is that on which I act.  
There are no latent beliefs in Peirce.  Doubt is an incapacity to act.  


(2) True propositions and the best methods for discovering them are those on 
which the human species, as a community of inquiry, will converge ULTIMATELY.  
By ultimately, I mean the infinite future.   Note that this is a definition of 
"true."  There is no other truth in Peirce, no correspondence theory, except 
possibly that inferred by me in (1 ) . The current views of contemporary 
communities of inquiry may be our best shot at the truth, but they are NOT 
true, by definition, unless they happen to be that on which the human community 
of inquiry will ultimately converge. Peirce was a chemist, a mathematician and 
an expert in measurement.  There was no doubt in his mind that the best methods 
for producing enduring convergence of opinion were what we think of as 
Scientific methods -- experiments and mathematical analysis .


(3) The real world consists of all that is true.  


(4) Our knowledge of the world is through a stream of logical inferences. All 
human beings are informal scientists by nature.  All human belief is arrived 
at, whether consciously or unconsciously, whether by scientist or by layman, 
whether by infant or mature adult, by the application of forms of inference and 
by experiments and observations whether formal or informal.  


(5) Contrary to what many of us were taught in graduate school, there are three 
forms of valid inference.  Communities of inquiry (principally “Sciences” to 
Peirce) use all three forms of inference, to produce networks of inference.   



(6) Deductive inferences such as "A. All Swans are White; B. this bird is a 
swan; C. This bird is white." are categorically true.  However, those who 
taught us in Graduate School that only deductive inferences are valid, failed 
to tell us how we come by either the Major (A) or the Minor (B) premise of such 
inferences.   Popper, who influenced many of the scientists in my generation, 
used to tell us that they were "bold conjectures."  Big lot of help THAT is!  
One of the great strengths of Peirce’s work is that he gives an account of the 
origin of “bold conjectures”.   


(7)  Peirce honors two additional forms of valid logical inference, which he 
calls forms of "probable" inference. .  A probable inference is one whose 
strength improves with the multiplication of concordant cases.  Probably 
inference can supply the major (A) and minor (B) premises of deductive 
inferences from empirical observations. Much of scientists’ daily work consists 
in improving the strength of our probable inferences.  


(8) The first of these types is induction.  “C. This bird is white; B. This 
bird is a swan; A.  All Swans are White.”  It generates the major premise of 
the deductive inference above (A), but needs other inferences to supply C. and 
B.  With a single case, an inductive inference is valid, but extremely weak.  
With the discovery of larger and larger numbers of swans that are white, the 
strength (probability) of the inference approaches 1.00.  


(9) The second of these types of probable inference is “abduction”.  “C. This 
bird is white; A. All Swans are White; B. This bird is a swan.”   Abductions 
can generate the minor premise of the deductive inference above (B) but need 
other inferences to supply A and C.  An abductive inference based on the 
discovery of a single concordant property between swans and the bird at hand is 
valid but extremely weak. As more concordant properties are discovered, our 
certainty that the bird is a swan approaches 1.00.  


(10) The beliefs in the self and in an inner private world are all arrived at 
in this manner.  They are the result of inferences (“signs, Peirce would say”) 
arising from our experience with the world.   The self’s view of the self is no 
more privileged an inference than the other’s view of the self. In fact, on 
Peirce’s account, the former is probably based upon the latter by abductive 


(11)  On the account of Many Wise Persons, all the above is based upon Peirce’s 
theory of signs.  I confess I don’t really understand that theory, and tried 
very hard to get to this point without invoking it.  Your skepticism should be 
heightened by this admission.   


I will send this off to some people who know Peirce better than I in the hope 
that they will correct me.  I will send along any corrections I receive. 




FN#1. Yes, I know that all swans are not white.  I know my ornithology, my 
childhood literature and my chaotic economics as well as the next guy.  


FN#2.  Some readers may struggle with the idea that calling a bird “white” is 
itself an inference.  But, think about how you would go about deciding the 
color of something.  You would observe it over time, you would observe it in 
various lights, etc., and then DECIDE that it was white.  Whether that process 
is conscious or unconscious, systematic or unsystematic, is irrelevant to 
Peirce.  It is still an inference.  



-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Eric Smith
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 5:10 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Clarifying Induction Threads


Thank you Lee and Glen both,


Yes, I could not disagree.  


There is an interesting question, Glen, on which I don't have a dog in the 
fight either way.  Is the worry about induction only (or even mostly) about the 
origin of conjectures, or is it (equally much, or even mostly) about the source 
of confidence in conjectures?  The issue of what we would like to regard as 
truth values seems to me to suggest at least large weight on the latter.  I 
think, "truth" descending from a common root of "trust" and so forth.  


I look forward to Lee's particular refutation, because I was wondering whether 
I would argue against the same point myself, say for flipping coins where there 
are only two possibilities, and trying to decide whether it is better to expect 
that the next one will be the same as previous ones, or not.  But even there, I 
might niggle with something on algorithm complexity and description length, and 
argue that it is "harder" to expect a violation of a long string of repeats, 
than it is for a short string.


But, I look forward to listening to Lee's refutation.


All best, 





On Mar 28, 2012, at 4:06 PM,  <> wrote:


> Eric Smith:  


>> every child knows there can be no discussion of induction that is not 

>> predicated on the availability of infinities.


> Not so (independent of what every child knows)!  I have to rush off 

> but will try to get back to this later.


> ============================================================

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