Owen Densmore wrote at 03/28/2012 08:20 AM:
> All: Did no one discuss the mathematics of induction .. the inductive
> proof?  Certainly that is accepted by us all, even tho anyone can make a
> sequence of a set of N numbers, who's generator can provide any number
> for its N+1th number.  It is in the fact that the induction works by
> proving the N=1 case, assuming the Nth and proving the N+1th from that.

Yep.  Doug listed it as one of the types.  Personally, I don't regard it
as categorically exceptional.  It's defining a a predicate and then
establishing whether or not new instances belong to the set or not.  I
suppose I think there are 3 categories: 1) predicative (well-founded),
2) impredicative (non-well-founded), and 3) psychological induction
(what most of this conversation is about).

glen e. p. ropella, 971-222-9095, http://tempusdictum.com

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