No, I had a hunch I wouldn't enjoy it.


On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 2:03 PM, Victoria Hughes <>wrote:

> Ditto and right back atcha.
> Incidentally, did anyone else on this list attend Rebecca Goldstein's talk
> on Intuition the other day?
> Victoria
> On Apr 11, 2012, at 12:27 PM, Pamela McCorduck wrote:
> Generally speaking, if a topic isn't interesting to me, I just pass over
> it. I don't expect other people--for whom it is interesting--to stop
> talking.
> In fact, I find the logic of scientific inquiry very interesting. I think
> this is partly because what scientists actually do, and what philosophers
> say they do, is somewhat disjunct. I don't have anything to contribute to
> this discussion, but that doesn't mean I'm not reading or uhhumming as I
> read. Carry on, Nick et al.
> P.
> On Apr 11, 2012, at 2:18 PM, Owen Densmore wrote:
> Here I am on vacation .. The Broadmoor in Colorado springs .. And wanting
> to say that
> 1 wtf ?? Why would you leave such an interesting discussion?
> 2 who would ask you to end it?
> 3 ..etc
> When we fear for what is interesting to others, we forfeit our souls.
> Really, I fear for friam.
>     ---- Owen
> I am an iPad, resistance is futile!
> On Apr 9, 2012, at 11:32 PM, "Nicholas  Thompson" <
>> wrote:
> Hi, everybody, ****
> ** **
> Somebody (whom I respect greatly) has “eldered” me, writing to say that I
> am in danger of driving everybody nuts with my new found interest in the
> logic of scientific inquiry.  So I will give it a rest, and lurk for a
> month.  If anybody wants to talk off line about  any of the topics I have
> been pestering you about, I would of course be happy to do so.  Take care.
>   Talk to you on May 9th.  ****
> ** **
> Nick****
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> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
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> "She instructed me as if out of bitter personal experience; she brooded along 
> the edges of my childhood like someone living out a long Tennysonian regret."
>       Wallace Stegner, "Angle of Repose"
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> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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