I would be tempted to agree with you.... if he (and his party, and his
campaign) didn't keep saying other things instead. He is in the process of
organizing a several hundred million dollar media blitz. Why not say some
simple and straightforward things about what you actually accomplished? 


On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 12:07 AM, Steve Smith <> wrote:
>    >Owen -
>      *I* get it.... he doesn't have to articulate it.. he merely has to
>      make (a lot) more sense, totally exposed by his behaviour, than
>      the afore mentioned "Gordon Gecko" that is the "other party"...  
>      I would love it if Obama would follow up his "citizen-funded" win
>      of 2008 with a total silence in 2012... let the 'publicans bury
>      themselves with their own rhetoric.
>      Yes, if you are the gay couple who didn't get his full endorsement
>      for your wedding or if your child didnt get withdrawn from
>      Afghanistan as quickly as you wanted, or if you wanted (who
>      doesn't?) Gitmo shut down 4 years ago, then OK... vote for the
>      "other guy".   But really?
>      Obama has us by the short hairs... he (should) know(s) that he
>      beats the (holy) shit out of the alternative... he's not MY
>      answer, but he's a  "damn good start"!
>      I don't need Obama to articulate anything to me... if *I* don't
>      know what the score is, his telling me doesn't change anything.  I
>      say his lack of attendance to our BS needs for spoon feeding our
>      needs... is his genius... 
>      But I could be wrong... 
>      - Steve
>      >On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 4:09 PM, Russ
>        Abbott <<a moz-do-not-send="" href="#"
>        wrote:
>          >
>Well, it's Barack Obama
>                  vs. Gordon Gekko.  Which would you prefer to see as
>                  president? Perhaps the country is waking up to that.
>            >
>                    > 
>              >-- Russ Abbott
>        >
>        >Like many of us, I wanted Obama to be the president "for
>          the rest of us".  But he's seemed weak in many aspects of his
>          presidency.  I realize that many presidential historians
>          believe "exogenous" events form a president, not their
>          platform or promises.  Much of the downturn was inherited. But
>          as bad as the hand he was dealt was, he could at least
>          articulate the positive things he has done.
>        >
>        >Obama has had several successes, quite important ones.  But
>          he never explains them to the electorate.  Instead he gets
>          mauled by the opposition.  Why is he so poor at explaining his
>          successes?
>        >
>        >A trivial example is the health care bill.  Yes it is a
>          "tax", but overall it will vastly reduce taxes due to
>          the relief it brings caused by "freeloaders" who use the most
>          expensive health care possible: the emergency room!  Several
>          pundits have claimed as much as a 10 to one reduction in
>          public costs which will be reflected in lower taxes.
>        >
>        >But Obama remains mum.  I don't get it.
>        >
>        >It could simply be the media, which loves a good fight.
>           They fan the flames and nurture fear.  But it does seem to me
>          that a large amount of the (idiotic) electorate buys the
>          anti-obama rhetoric.
>        >
>        >I (think) Obama would be the best outcome, at least he's
>          got experience at it and could be better in a second term.
>           And Romney does seem a bit of an ass.  I am, however,
>          surprised at the difference between the graph and the
>          punditry.
>        >
>        >   -- Owen
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Eric Charles

Professional Student and
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Penn State University
Altoona, PA 16601

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