You have such a way with words, Doug.

On Aug 19, 2012, at 3:41 PM, Douglas Roberts wrote:

Or, possibly it's due to the growing education of the masses, and the attendant dawning realization that Romney believes that god is a space alien who lives on the crystal planet Kolob.  And that he baptizes dead people. And that before 1978 he held to church doctrine that black people were "loathsome unto thy people".  After 1978, of course, black people were just hunky.  

In other words, it's becoming clear that he believes in really goofy shit, and his judgement may therefore be a bit suspect.

I mean, of course, the above belief set as compared one that requires believing in a sadistic god and a useless savior; walking on water, rising from the dead, big floods and ocean-going animal husbandry, etc.

But maybe all of the above is just my perception, and the fact that atheism continues to sound reasonable. Perhaps people are beginning to realize that the better they get to know Romney, the less there is to like about him.


On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 1:16 PM, Owen Densmore <> wrote:
There has been an increase in the divergence between the two parties, possibly due to the VP choice?

   -- Owen


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