I hope an evolved Nick still has eyebrows. I'd miss the eyebrows.
On Sep 17, 2012 6:19 PM, "Nicholas Thompson" <nickthomp...@earthlink.net>

> Glen Wrote:****
> ** **
> .  *In so doing, I accused Nick of having asserted that faith underlies
> all reality.  I expected him to evolve during the course of the
> conversation to explain what actions constitute "faith".  If we got that
> far, then we'd have Nick's physical theory of everything!  Those actions
> would be the (or at least a) fundamental constitutive component of all
> other things.*****
> ** **
> This is a really good question. Nobody has ever asked me to do that
> before.  I am suddenly made aware of why Peirce wrote some of the tortured
> passages he wrote.  I am going to have to think about this. ****
> ** **
> In the meantime, Eric may be able to tell you what an evolved Nick will
> say. ****
> ** **
> Nick ****
> -----Original Message-----
> From: friam-boun...@redfish.com [mailto:friam-boun...@redfish.com] On
> Behalf Of glen
> Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 7:48 PM
> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] faith, zombies, and crazy people
> ** **
> Arlo Barnes wrote at 09/17/2012 04:03 PM:****
> > But what if the compressible class turns out to be the same as the ****
> > uncompressible class?****
> ** **
> Well, even if that's true in principle, as long as there is a predicate to
> slice them all into two sets: 1) really really hard to compress vs.****
> 2) pretty easy to compress, we still have a fundamental, practical, and
> measurable difference between say humans and thermostats, respectively.***
> *
> ** **
> > It seems the only way to tell is to test every possible case, as you ***
> *
> > say in your second paragraph.****
> ** **
> I don't think it's as much a matter of classifying every possible system
> into one or the other classes.  I can see a nice ivory tower job (or
> perhaps an employee of the justice dept) for such a taxonomist.  But most
> of us merely want to handle 80% of the cases well.  It's OK if I can't
> determine which class Nick, Doug, or any one individual falls into or even
> if they spew disinformation to make me mis-classify them.  As long as I can
> get most zombies and actors in the right class.****
> ** **
> > What it comes down to, though, is that, again as you say, you are ****
> > talking about knowledge, how people model the world. But do you [not] **
> **
> > believe there is a world if there is nobody to model it?****
> ** **
> Let me rephrase it to avoid the whole "conscious observer" thing.  Is
> there a super system if all sub-systems are compressible?  Yes,
> absolutely.  Just because there exists some part of the universe that can
> adequately model any given part of the universe does _not_ imply that the
> universe doesn't exist.****
> ** **
> The real problem we face if there are no incompressible sub-sytems is one
> of "first cause" or ad infinitum.  If every detail out there is completely
> explainable from its initial conditions, then what was the cause of the
> initial conditions?  (We'll find ourselves looking for "the one true Actor"
> in patterns in the cosmic background radiation!)  But if we posit that,
> say, empty space is really a dense foam of incompressible systems, then all
> we need do is look for a way to scale up.****
> ** **
> > COuld there not be the objective****
> > fact of physical laws, even if they are never articulated, or at least *
> ***
> > not correctly or fully?****
> ** **
> No, not the way I'm using the word "law" (and based on my own private
> definition of "articulated" ;-).  An unimplemented "law" is a "thought",
> which as I said a few posts ago, in this rhetoric anyway, is not real.****
> It's a convenient fiction that helps some of our subsystems maintain
> control over other of our subsystems.  But an implemented law (like a
> computer program and the machine that executes it) _is_ what's objective.
> Not only are implementations what is real, they are the _only_ thing that's
> real.  (The word "implementation" is unfortunate because it implies the
> existence of an abstract thing that's being implemented.  So I really
> shouldn't use that word ... I should use "realization" or somesuch that has
> a higher ontological status.)****
> ** **
> Note that I started this rhetorical position in response to Nick's
> assertion that there always exists "faith" at the bottom of any
> justification.  In order to make my rhetoric interesting, I have to take a
> hard line and agree with Nick that things like beliefs are simply
> collections of actions.  Hence, all things in the class containing beliefs
> (including laws) are not really things, at least not in and of themselves.
> In so doing, I accused Nick of having asserted that faith underlies all
> reality.  I expected him to evolve during the course of the conversation to
> explain what actions constitute "faith".  If we got that far, then we'd
> have Nick's physical theory of everything!  Those actions would be the (or
> at least a) fundamental constitutive component of all other things.****
> ** **
> As usual, the conversation hasn't gone the way I wanted. Dammit. >8D But
> I'll still hold my final trump card to my chest just in case it takes a
> turn back in my favor.****
> ** **
> --****
> glen****
> ** **
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> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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