Nick to Robert (or perhaps to Russ, I got confused):

> I guess its fair to
> say that in matters of small f faith, you are a catholic 
> and I am a quaker.  I  really don't care about what the 
> minister has to say;  I want to hear from the
> congregation.

Trusting (did you-all already differentiate "trust" from
"faith" and "belief"?  I may have missed it) that, when 
(a member of) the congregation speak, it *is* because
"the spirit moved" him/her/them to speak?  That is,
I think, integral to large-Q Quakerism.  As an apparently
small-q quaker, is it problematic to you, or neutral, or 
whatever the opposite of "problematic" may be?

Digression: etymologically, a "problem" is what is in
front of you.  I suppose that would make its opposite
that which is behind you--if you're Luther, the Devil 
(in a mass of details and a mess of ink).


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