I never understand your posts.

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 3:56 PM, glen <g...@ropella.name> wrote:

> And I'll end with as clear a statement as I can make:  There is no
> conflict between technology and any other human trait.

I know any number of technophobes and technoklutzes.  They are *always* in
conflict with technology.  Sometimes technology as simple as operating a
cell phone.  I refer to this as the "Bart" trait. I have an uncle named
Bart.  He's the most technologically-conflicted person I know.  Unless it's
his brother Dick.

Seriously.  Dick burned up two lawn mowers before discovering that they had
oil.  Which needed to be checked, and occasionally topped off.

And calling Bart on his cell phone is a waste of button-pushing because he
never remembers that cell phones need recharging.


*Doug Roberts
* <http://parrot-farm.net/Second-Cousins>
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