Douglas Roberts wrote at 01/15/2013 03:06 PM:
> I know any number of technophobes and technoklutzes.  They are *always* in
> conflict with technology.  Sometimes technology as simple as operating a
> cell phone.  I refer to this as the "Bart" trait. I have an uncle named
> Bart.  He's the most technologically-conflicted person I know.  Unless it's
> his brother Dick.
> Seriously.  Dick burned up two lawn mowers before discovering that they had
> oil.  Which needed to be checked, and occasionally topped off.
> And calling Bart on his cell phone is a waste of button-pushing because he
> never remembers that cell phones need recharging.

So, the question that arises is whether or not Bart or Dick have ever
invented any tools of their own?  Or are they always using tools
invented by other people?

I know lots of people who are entirely incompetent at using other
people's tools, but fantastic at using their own.  I also know some
people who refuse to use a tool "properly", but seem to be very
efficient at achieving their objectives.


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