… Coming in at the tail of this (I have my mail program turned off most of the 
day), but I have a few comments.

I'm still trying to get my head around the concept of a "Socratic" course 
delivered through a remote, time-shifted medium. Is it virtual-Socratic? 
meta-Socratic? voyeur-Socratic?

Several courses in the math PhD program at Stanford had students paid to take 
official notes. It cost very little to Xerox these and save myself many hours. 
Some lectures were pretty useless, but I went for the sake of the ego of the 
lecturer. In a quarter course by Kunihiko Kodaira, I understood only two words; 
"theolem" and "ploof". But he was a very nice, earnest man, as well as a Fields 
Medal winner.


On Mar 6, 2013, at 8:31 PM, Owen Densmore <o...@backspaces.net> wrote:

> You see, I was picked up at Logan Airport by my old friend Michael Sandel, 
> who teaches the famous Socratic, 1,000-student “Justice” course at Harvard, 
> which is launching March 12 as the first humanities offering on the 
> M.I.T.-Harvard edX online learning platform.

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