Yeah.  Do no Evil, except, of course if you feel like it.  N


From: Friam [] On Behalf Of Jochen Fromm
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 4:00 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Google Reader and More: Google Abandoning of Apps/Services



Like many others I use Google Reader daily, it is hard to understand how they 
can kill such a good and useful product. Apparently it has to do with G+, see





Sent from Android

Owen Densmore <> wrote:

Good by Google Reader (which I use a lot):

.. and a host of others in this year's Spring Cleaning


I will give them this: they have an export stunt, and I apparently can move to 
others.  I don't use the google front page they killed off, Yahoo instead.


But seriously, does anyone have a crystal ball?  I just can't figure Google out!


- Are they consolidating?  .. i.e. converting everything to G+?

- What's next to go? .. Google Docs?  It gets use by digerati, but few others.

- Is GMail safe? .. It gets a lot of use, but its easy to scrape off the ads, 
so can't be a profit center.


I'd certainly pay for many of google services .. although I doubt this would 
stop them from randomly killing off ones I care about.


Is there some obvious trend, like I mentioned above, for example .. moving 
everything to G+?




   -- Owen

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