On 03/14/2013 09:16 PM, Owen Densmore wrote:
> Er.. IMAP?  You have complete control over gmail.  I uploaded 20+ years
> of mail to it over a day or so and have it all cached on my IMAP clients
> (thunderbird and mail.app) .. yes one needs > 1 and I'm positive you
> have multiple clients.

I have to respond to this first and separately because my response is
simultaneously ideological and practical!  Woohoo!  ;-)

No, not IMAP.  I want my own cloud.  The analog from GMail to my own
cloud-based e-mail would be more like the combination of DNS failover
with a grid of SMTP+dovecot+sparkleshare.

Why do I want my own cloud?  I don't really have a good answer for that.
 I just like a) to be able to change things I want changed when I want
them changed and b) I like to know what's happening underneath.  I don't
know how GMail works underneath, but I would like to.

But if I were forced to _guess_ why using another company's
infrastructure to store my data offends me, I'd probably guess that the
trend toward a single identity, single e-mail, use of real names in
social nets, single sign-on, etc. ... that general trend indicates that
this string ... e.g. "g...@ropella.name" will eventually _actually_ be
my name, my unique ID ... the primary hook by which people communicate
with me (or throw me in jail, accuse me of terrorism, ... whatever).

And if that's the case, then I want to know what's happening in and
around that unique ID... just like I want to understand DNA, or
biological mechanisms in the meat-space cloud around me ... like how to
maintain healthy living soil in my garden.  How can someone ever say
they understand their self if they don't really, practically understand
the cloud surrounding their self?

p.s. Yes, were you so inclined, you might read this as a categorical
rejection of the word "cloud" as business-speak idiocy. >8^)

glen  =><= Hail Eris!

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