OK Glen... Looks like you've been called out, now we want to see YOUR
version of this classic!
Well, I don't know anything about "classics", per se. But here's the
distinction I'd make. The vector should be:
from this -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QC9SKjdoTXg
to this -- http://youtu.be/BqzizzNkv-s
OK... you got me good. Despite feeling RickRolled (on the first one
anyway), I get your point (though Leigh's reference between the 60's
concept of being on a cloud and Owen's of being "in the cloud" *was*
apt)... this seems yet more.
Of course, this all just has me feeling *yet more* like a dementia-ed
schizophrenic whose meds got replaced by psychadelic mushrooms...
In particular the background image of the second video and lines like
"When Atoms Roar" and "All their Lust shall Build a World". In fact, the
world we are building with our "Digital Ecologies" is apparently as
attractive as the Sixties "tune in, turn on, drop out" psychadelia and I
fear no more satisfying in the long run ("All their Lust shall Build a
I'll see your "Kingdom Come" and raise you a "Bag of Groceries
I shall procrastinate no more forever,
- Steve
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