Glen wrote:
> ... that general trend indicates that this string ... e.g. "" will eventually _actually_ be my name, my unique ID ... the primary hook by which people communicate with me (or throw me in jail, accuse me of terrorism, ... whatever).

This sounds like a theme from a Max Barry Novel

>  How can someone ever say they understand their self if they don't really, practically understand the cloud surrounding their self? \

Using your own reference, that sounds like asking if C. Elegans can understand itself.   I suppose one can say that this IS what life is, the perpetual search for "self" through perception of the environment.   "We" are whatever is left after we percieve and discount everything else? 

This is perhaps why I prefer to consider my "Digital Ecology" as a "Digital Swamp"....  the first supposes that we somehow *can* understand it in a scientific sense while the latter acknowledges that at best we can obtain an elaborate *working knowledge* but never an explanatory knowledge really.

Carry On,
 - Steve
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