Terry -

That was a good summary from your perspective. I'm sharing it with the mail list where the discussion arose.

I found two of your points very poignant. The first being about the value/importance of developed rapport between student-mentor (or student-teacher or even student-institution). The second is the paradoxical problem of as we make things more of a commodity, we reduce the perception of their value.

I definitely can see MOOC as the standard delivery system for the next few decades. What comes to mind for me are cubicles filled with former teachers acting as skype/facetime resources for students. I guess I think it could potentially be a better content delivery method than the current one, but even more important than real-time, face-to-face interactions are the relationships formed betweens learner and mentor. I see greater gains from my students once they know me better. When I ask them to do more problems outside of our sessions, they often do just because of the level of trust that's been built between us. Ultimately, teaching and learning are strongest when it's 1-to-1, and when the relationship is allowed to develop. Of course, then you have to deal with the fact that the mentor may not have a strong grasp of all of the content or that their method(s) for explaining don't work for many or most students. This is based on my own experiences where I've picked up many of my students after they've had a few prior tutors just not work for them.

I think the MOOC approach will be standard for several decades. I also think it will reveal the necessity to return to an apprenticeship system or something similar. As we serve greater numbers for lower costs, we cheapen the value of the learning and knowledge.

Of course, these days it seems like the most important course to be teaching may be computer science and I think MOOC is perfect for that.

Not sure if I answered you question.

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