Thanks a lot, dude. The second post that makes me feel incredibly old at 54 :-)

I certainly remember life without cell phones, trying to find a public phone 
and the right change. Incredible how much things can change in such a short 
time (including the differing perceptions of what constitutes "a short time").

The other post was Owen's note about John Resig. Since I'm not active in the 
JavaScript world, I had only heard his name, so I did a bit of digging. Holy 
crap, one of the recognized experts on JavaScript, author of two books, "Dean 
of Computer Science" at Khan Academy, so busy that he doesn't want job offers 
or speaking engagement offers... "Back in my day" (said with the crotchety old 
man voice), someone with that kind of notoriety would be assumed to be at least 
in his 40s or 50s (of course there have always been exceptions, e.g. prodigies 
like Mozart). This guy is freaking 28 years old! Look at - not many gray hairs there.

Actually, it makes me feel rather hopeful about the future, but at least a 
little intimidated...

;; Gary

On Apr 3, 2013, at 11:02 AM, cody dooderson <> wrote:

> Happy birthday cellphone

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