Gary -
Thanks a lot, dude. The second post that makes me feel incredibly old at 54 :-)
You and me both (56)...
I certainly remember life without cell phones, trying to find a public phone and the right change.
In my Private Investigator days (late 70s) I carried a fully analog pager and had a CB Radio under the dash and a roll of dimes in the ashtray of my AMC Gremlin and a cassette tape-based answering machine on my landline. No Rockford or Magnum (though with some of their *funkier* characteristics I suppose). I knew where all the pay phones were and which ones worked and which ones were likely to have boogers on the handset. My wife *hated* the CB (with all the noisy "Breaker Breaker" ratchetjaw chatter) but was willing to leave it on a mostly unused channel for me to check in with her on. She didn't take messages but usually was willing to tell me if *any* messages had come in and in a pinch would play them back for me.

My first Cell was a Motorola Brick (beam me up Scotty!) that I had for work for about a year in the mid 90's I didn't go back to a cell until the early 2000's and was at least a year late on the smart-phone bandwagon.
Incredible how much things can change in such a short time (including the differing perceptions of what constitutes "a short time").
I remember when (crotchety old man voice) the term "Internet Time" was coined. It wasn't that long ago except in "Internet Time" where it is of course, eons!
Actually, it makes me feel rather hopeful about the future, but at least a little intimidated...
I feel more deprecated (and hopeful) than intimidated!

I voted for Obama more because he was young than because he was not-white. I would have voted for Hillary if she wasn't *older than me* (and of course wasn't *actually* HIllary)...

I want my children's generation *30 somethings* to take the reins firmly from my *parents* and my own generation (50s through 80s) and be ready to include the *20 somethings* as they demonstrate their ability (plenty who are, see Resig and some of our own constituency right here!). I guess you 40-somethings (Guerin, et al) should just accept being the wise elders you already have become and get over having the chance to run the world into the ground.

- Steve
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