Steve Smith wrote at 04/04/2013 11:04 AM:
> They have something to talk about with like minded
> people and even "professionals" who will assure them that their symptoms
> are as real as the cures being offered.

This seems spot on to me.  In a similar vein, I know so many people who
express their desire to "take a class on X".  My techie friends are
always saying, things like that, with some variation like "buy a book on
X".  Some of them even teach classes ... on photoshop, or micro$oft
office, etc.

I always ask them why they feel the need to take a class?  Just jump in
and start doing it.  Why not just buy a guitar and start banging on it?
 Why do you feel the need to "take a class"?  They always answer with
weird (to me) justificationism and excuses.  "I'm not disciplined
enough." "I wouldn't know where to start." Etc.

I don't have the energy.  But my speculation is that there's a high
correlation between the people who feel they need to "take a class" and
the people who respond well to people in white jackets with name tags.

=><= glen e. p. ropella
Throw the switches, prime the charge,

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