Ron -

I get your point, Doug. I had to suppress the desire to roll my eyes when once I met someone who looked up at the sky and spoke confidently of chemtrails.
I generally feel the same way, and this is usually abutted with something about crop circles and maybe a reference to the grassy knoll.

I *did* get caught off guard recently when reading about technological "remedies" to global warming via releasing sulfur compounds into the upper atmosphere... someone "suggested" that the (govt, corp, etc.) was *already* doing it by introducing said chemistry into jet fuel. I was briefly a "true believer". It still seems like too much to put past everyone (jet fuel providers, mechanics, EPA, etc.) but for at least a second I was ready to believe that large scale atmospheric manipulation was already underway.

I think it is the "confidence" coming from someone who normally (usually) has no interest in anything technical or analytical claiming they "know for a fact" something that at best they "have on good authority".

- Steve

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