I think I'm always channeling Douglas Adams. Thanks for asking.


On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 12:25 PM, Steve Smith <sasm...@swcp.com> wrote:

>  Doug -
>    1. How do we define/recognize valid measures of evidence?
>   In the case of the chemtrail faithful I can safely characterize their
> measure (singular) of evidence as: "Look! See the chemtrails? 'They' are
> trying to poison us!!!"
> No argument there.... but *why* are they trying to poison us!!!  Wait...
> I'm on the skeptics side...  nevermind...
>>    1. Is the current "exponential" growth in tech divergent or
>>    convergent?
>  I believe that the true source of divergence (in what? you might ask, in
> everything, I might answer: politics, technology, religion, ...) is that
> too many people are complete, embarrassingly ignorant assholes.
> And just what is your measure of evidence about what the multi-objective
> function of *complete, embarassing, ignorant, *and* asshole*?   And what
> *does* the pareto frontier of that look like in these 4 dimensions?
> Anyone who doesn't understand the question or it's import are *complete,
> embarassingly ignorant assholes* (by one measure)!
>  And thanks for asking.
> You are most welcome (as always)... anything else you would like me to ask
> <grin>?
> For some reason this last line of yours makes me imagine that you are
> channelling Doug(las) Adams (aka Roberts?):
>  "So Long and Thanks for All the Fish!"
> by
> Douglas Adams (RIP)
> So long and thanks for all the fish
> So sad that it should come to this
> We tried to warn you all but oh dear?
> You may not share our intellect
> Which might explain your disrespect
> For all the natural wonders that
> grow around you
> So long, so long and thanks
> for all the fish
> The world's about to be destroyed
> There's no point getting all annoyed
> Lie back and let the planet dissolve(around you)
> Despite those nets of tuna fleets
> We thought that most of you were sweet
> Especially tiny tots and your
> pregnant women
> So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
> So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
> So long, so long and thanks
> for all the fish
> If I had just one last wish
> I would like a tasty fish
> If we could just change one thing
> We would all learn how to sing
> Come one and all
> Man and Mammal
> Side by Side in life's great gene pool
> (oooohhh oooohhh oooaahhhhh- ah ahh)
> So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
> So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
> So long, so long and, !Thanks!
> for all the fish!
> - Steve
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*Doug Roberts
* <http://parrot-farm.net/Second-Cousins>
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