On 5/1/13 6:16 PM, glen e p ropella wrote:

Per my last question of "how is a mesh network to get started, propogate, etc.?" the list above *does* address this somewhat...
You might have known her during your time at SFI?

Last time I had an in-depth visit with her was maybe 2007 and I'm sure a
great deal has happened since!  It seemed like a lot was funded by DARPA
at the time and therefore some of that wasn't being published in the
open (or was being delayed?)
Yeah, I talked to her a number of times while I was there. It would be
interesting to find out she's continued to work on it, or if someone
else took it further.
From her CV, here are the things I guess she is working on now!

   Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ($3,200,625) \Scalable
   RADAR for Co-evolutionary
   Adversarial Environments" S. Forrest (PI), J. Crandall, M. Moses, W.
   Weimer (Co-PIs).

   National Science Foundation (UNM share $ 500,000) \Collaborative
   Research: Search, Signals
   and Information Exchange in Distributed Biological Systems." M.
   Moses (PI); S. Forrest,
   D. Gordon (Co-PIs). 2010-2013.

   Air Force Oce of Scientic Research DURIP-10-054 ($58,189) \Helix
   Project Testbed: To-
   wards the Self-Regenerative Incorruptible Enterprise." 2010.

   Department of Energy (UNM share $600,000) "ASIM: An integrated
   agent-based model of a
   complex network" S. Hofmeyr (PI), S. Forrest (Co-PI). 2009-2012.

   National Science Foundation ($ 600,000) \Fixing real bugs in real
   programs using evolutionary
   algorithms." W. Weimer (PI), S. Forrest (Co-PI). 2009-2012.

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