Well, yes the stock price is usually a good indicator
how people judge the chance of future success. Maybe
I am wrong? My doubts were based on the following

a) Microsoft successfully managed to alienate many of their
loyal developers and now even their main customers,
i.e. small and large businesses. They main software is called
Offices, and it is used in offices: in most offices I know there
are PCs running Microsoft Windows. If MSFT continues to
alienate these customers, then they should have a problem.
These users do not have touch screen devices, and they are
used to classic graphical user interface with desktop and
mouse input. They want to use the Office software they know
(Word, Excel and Powerpoint) in the way they always used it.
The new Metro interface is not useful at all for classic computers
with keyboard and mouse.

b) Apparently they neglected the compatibility of
existing Windows software. This was always an
advantage of Windows. Now traditional Windows
software does not run as good it always did, and
the new Microsoft App Store offers only a few apps.
If the Microsoft's app store will offer as many good
apps as the stores from Apple and Google remains
doubtful. Developers tend to develop software for
widely distributed systems, but most of the new devices
run Android (i.e. a Linux derivative). Users increasingly
use and buy computers without Microsoft OS, either
smartphones (iPhones and Android phones) or tablets
(iPads or Android tablets). Windows phones do not sell


On 05/18/2013 04:39 PM, Marcus G. Daniels wrote:
On 5/18/13 8:21 AM, Prof David West wrote:
MS stock has been on a long down slide since Ballmer took over [..]
Not so bad lately..


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