Steve wrote:

``Or they have allowed themselves to be convinced that A) the threats from 
terrorism, etc are greater than the threats from loss of privacy; or B) 
that their privacy is already lost, they might as well have 
"security".    A slippery slope to be sure.''

Going back to the government contractor vs. employee issue.  What I imagine
will happen is that the legally questionable work will be compartmentalized
to contractors (BAH, Chertoff group) and they will `advise' the government
on imminent risks.   That way, if/when the contractors do illegal things
they can have their contracts revoked, be fined, etc. but the capability
remains (perhaps in the hands of another contractor if needed).  This has
the added benefit that the officials that run the government organizations
during some administration have a nice and profitable place to continue
their work in later years.


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