Before I spend $120 of your tax dollars, does that particular article cover the 
kind of massive breaking of connections that were attributed (incorrectly as it 
turns out) to Zuckerberg?  Even though the story was false, it seems possible 
that social networks might fragment in that manner over a subject controversial 

P.S. There was a lot of status and tweets that were extreme for one side or the 
other, but the Zuckerberg story was a Web parody that was picked up by a number 
of legitimate news-sites before they realized the fake.  It's kind of like the 
TV station that broadcast the prank pilot names of the Asiana flight.  Which 
brings up yet another ObComplexity: How does one account for the apparently 
increasing number of false reports that are coming up in the WWW news 
network/blogosphere due to the rapid cycle of social networks and Web news?

Ray Parks
Consilient Heuristician/IDART Program Manager
V: 505-844-4024  M: 505-238-9359  P: 505-951-6084
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On Jul 17, 2013, at 4:56 PM, Robert Holmes wrote:

On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 4:27 PM, Parks, Raymond 
<<>> wrote:
ObComplexity: How does the dynamics of network connection breaking and making 
affect the analysis of networks?

SPILIOPOULOU, M (2011) "Evolution in social networks: a survey" in AGGARWAL, C 
"Social Network Data Analytics", Springer, New York.
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