On 8/18/13 9:02 AM, Owen Densmore wrote:
2) is a double edged sword. Being concerned about encryption email routing and storage has merit if the trolling is simply putting up a wall, saying "move along, nothing here". But it also puts up a sign saying "I have a reason to hide"

My guess is that all of us using any sort of extra measures, such as encryption, are definitely on the NSA books.
One can imagine a Linux distribution that is purpose-built for Lavabit-like e-mail, but easy to install and maintain, like Tor is. Individuals could run it on home systems. That way, victims of the PRISM program would know when it happened because the FBI would have to come to their house to take their stuff. When they insisted on the keys, they could be cheerfully provided -- in my case showing them the whole gamut of pictures of my dogs and my many open source build trees! Perhaps RAID 1 or similar so that they can take half the drives, but you can continue to work. I guess they are sort of humorless and would want to take the whole thing. Oh well.

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