Yup saw this in a news article:

Net Applications' latest data showed that 93% of current Macs run last
year's Mountain Lion, 2011's Lion or 2009's Snow Leopard, all eligible for
the free upgrade to Mavericks.

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 5:56 PM, Owen Densmore <o...@backspaces.net> wrote:

> I upgraded from Lion.  My guess is that if you see it on the AppStore, you
> can upgrade.  If not, there will be several posts on the web on how to do
> it!
>    -- Owen
> On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 2:50 PM, Russell Standish 
> <li...@hpcoders.com.au>wrote:
>> I gather Mavericks is not available for Snow leopard users?
>> On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 02:25:01PM -0600, Steve Smith wrote:
>> > Thanks to both Owen and Marcus for the good reports...  While I've
>> > never dreaded an OSX update like I have Winderz major releases, I
>> > have always avoided being an early adopter...  I might just take the
>> > plunge.
>> >
>> > I'm wondering why VM compression hasn't caught on sooner?   Has the
>> > physical memory curve kept ahead of it well enough, or is the
>> > compute-cost simply too high?
>> >
>> > My mother-in-law's 2009 MacBook (not pro) is grinding a lot on VM
>> > (mostly from web browsing)... I was going to look into possibly
>> > downgrading her Safari/Firefox to an older version that might not be
>> > as memory-hungry, or putting in some extra memory... but maybe
>> > upgrading her system to Mavericks will provide the needed relief?
>> >
>> > Except for the very unfortunate codename "Mavericks" it sounds very
>> > promising...  supposedly the name came from a Surf Beach near Half
>> > Moon Bay, possibly suggesting "a new wave" in OS...   despite
>> > apparently being very similar to Mountain Lion, maybe it *does*
>> > portend a "new wave".   One has to wonder "did they just run out of
>> > Big Cat names?" in the same way that they are running out of decimal
>> > digits (10.9) or does this signify a significant change in direction
>> > (gearing up for a big change in 11 and naming after surf beaches for
>> > the next generation?).
>> >
>> > Sadly I can't hear the term "Mavericks" without hearing it in Sarah
>> > Palin's pinched Wasila-Whine of a voice.   I'll try to superpose the
>> > image of a young James Garner making some dry, witty remark near the
>> > end of a poker game on a riverboat instead.   And who knew that
>> > Roger Moore was on that late 50's TV western as cousin Beau
>> > Maverick?
>> >
>> >
>> > >Just converted to Mavericks and it seem great.  And the upgrade
>> > >was free .. not sure why.
>> > >
>> > >Steps:
>> > >First
>> > >- Clean obsolete kruft from computer.  OmniDiskSweeper (free) is
>> > >very useful.
>> > >Also look at apps finding old and unused apps especially ones
>> > >unlikely to run.
>> > >Delete with AppZapper or similar .. need to remove prefs etc.
>> > >- Build a Superduper bootable backup.  This is useful both as a
>> > >fallback, and if you
>> > >want a clean build, you boot from that and have the installer
>> > >build on your
>> > >internal boot disk.  Probably need to clear/format/repair the disk
>> > >w/ DiskUtil.
>> > >- I searched for a "how to migrate to Mavericks" article which
>> > >included all that
>> > >Then
>> > >- Go to App Store and download installer (takes quite a while due to
>> size)
>> > >- When downloaded, pops up the installer.  You can quit it and
>> > >install later if you'd like, in Apps folder
>> > >- Took quite a while to install as well, but seemed to do a sweet job
>> > >- Initially asked for lots of permissions and other transition
>> > >annoyances, but not bad.
>> > >- Smoothest install I've ever had.
>> > >
>> > > -- Owen
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 10:19 PM, Marcus G. Daniels
>> > ><mar...@snoutfarm.com <mailto:mar...@snoutfarm.com>> wrote:
>> > >
>> > >    On 7/12/13, 4:08 PM, Steve Smith wrote:
>> > >>    My performance problems were solved (pushed back) with 8MB of
>> > >>    memory so I'm happy for the moment.  I'm expecting that next time
>> > >>    I feel like a HD upgrade (the one in it fails, my data hoarding
>> > >>    and sloppy housekeeping fills it up, or I upgrade to a new
>> > >>    machine) that SSDs will be much more affordable.
>> > >    OSX Mavericks now has compression in the virtual memory
>> > >system.      I've been doing parallel builds all day and I see the
>> > >Activity
>> > >    Monitor regularly showing 2GB of compressed memory (on an old 4GB
>> > >    2009 era MacBook Pro). If that had to hit disk, the system would
>> > >    grind to a halt, but it doesn't.   It seems to work well.
>> > >
>> > >    Marcus
>> > >
>> > >    P.S. Linux has had this for a while in various forms for a number
>> > >    of years, e.g compcache.
>> > >
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>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
>> Principal, High Performance Coders
>> Visiting Professor of Mathematics      hpco...@hpcoders.com.au
>> University of New South Wales          http://www.hpcoders.com.au
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