On 7/12/13, 4:08 PM, Steve Smith wrote:
My performance problems were solved (pushed back) with 8MB of memory so I'm happy for the moment. I'm expecting that next time I feel like a HD upgrade (the one in it fails, my data hoarding and sloppy housekeeping fills it up, or I upgrade to a new machine) that SSDs will be much more affordable.
OSX Mavericks now has compression in the virtual memory system. I've been doing parallel builds all day and I see the Activity Monitor regularly showing 2GB of compressed memory (on an old 4GB 2009 era MacBook Pro). If that had to hit disk, the system would grind to a halt, but it doesn't. It seems to work well.


P.S. Linux has had this for a while in various forms for a number of years, e.g compcache.
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