Nick -

Actually, McLuhan's Global Village was one of the important Evolutionary Psychological insights. We are designed to to live in small communities where the consequences of misbehavior are pretty severe ... exile, for instance. So, that old joke about rural Maine, where You have to lock your car in the summer because otherwise somebody might put a zucchini in it. When chaos occurs and the village system breaks down, we are designed to trust nobody. Which is the internet, anyway?

Sadly, the Internet is the best and worst of both (small village and teeming metropolis)... a global mega-village where if you aren't careful and leave your Apple unlocked someone might leave a Zucchini in it.

Do you remember the stories (apocryphal?) about how during a NYC Garbage Collectors (1970s?) strike people would put their garbage in large boxes, wrap it up in nice paper and a bow, leave it in their unlocked car and hope someone would steal it?

I choose to be deliberately trusting but careful. For example, when I loan books or tools, I treat them as I would gifts. If they happen to be returned, then it is a boon. If they don't, I trust they went to a good home. Maybe that is generous, not trusting? A motto I seek to live by is "Plan for the worst; Hope for the best" also...

- Steve
PS... if you visit Doug's, don't leave your car unlocked, you may find halfway home that there is a Peacock in the back seat.
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