On 11/19/13 10:57 AM, Parks, Raymond wrote:
Naah, we're just an hour and a half closer to the airport. We still have folks tell us they can't work with us because we don't sit side by side with them back East.

Yes, and a different culture in many ways... I always respected the differences even though sometimes it *was* very hard to "compete" with Sandia on certain types of projects.

When LockMart was bidding on the LANL contract, I thought it would be a bad idea to have both under the same contractor, though I'm sure it would have made it easier to sit "side by side" back East. Little did I know what letting Bechtel in the door would do to LANL. I questioned corporate stewardship of something as important as Nuclear R&D but at least LockMart *has* a technical agenda to buffer the economic (and therefore political) agendas. Bechtel is proud of being completely void of any agenda except money (and therefore everything that goes with it). UC had it's problems but I think they were genuinely interested in the lab mission(s).. I got a much better flavor of that when I spent a year at LBL (while Pete Nanos was swabbing the decks at LANL with cowboys and buttheads).

I'm proud to be out in the cold scraping up my work rather than living inside the warm belly of the machine (beast?), but I still respect many of the people and much of the work that comes out of said machine/beast.

Carry on!
  - Steve

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