This looks to me like at some point gh-pages was merged to master.  So that 
when you deleted “stylesheets" in master,  merging to gh-pages also included 
this delete action…  My guess is that if you added the stylesheets directory 
back into gh-pages you wouldn’t ever experience this problem again.


On Dec 5, 2013, at 4:01 PM, Owen Densmore <> wrote:

> I thought so too.  But here's an experiment.
> master dir has this (Attic is in .gitignore and just has stuff removed):
> Home|~/src/cs/test3[649]: ls
> Attic       junk.txt
> while gh-pages has:
> Home|~/src/cs/test3[653]: ls
> Attic         images          javascripts     stylesheets
>     index.html      params.json
> I then run this exeriment: go to each branch, check status .. both clean.  
> Then I try the merge.
> Home|~/src/cs/test3[655]: git checkout master
> Switched to branch 'master'
> Home|~/src/cs/test3[656]: git status
> # On branch master
> nothing to commit, working directory clean
> Home|~/src/cs/test3[657]: git checkout gh-pages
> Switched to branch 'gh-pages'
> Home|~/src/cs/test3[658]: git status
> # On branch gh-pages
> nothing to commit, working directory clean
> Home|~/src/cs/test3[659]: git merge master
> Removing stylesheets/stylesheet.css
> Removing stylesheets/pygment_trac.css
> Removing params.json
> Removing javascripts/main.js
> CONFLICT (modify/delete): index.html deleted in master and modified in HEAD. 
> Version HEAD of index.html left in tree.
> Removing images/sprite_download.png
> Removing images/icon_download.png
> Removing images/blacktocat.png
> Removing images/bg_hr.png
> Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
> Home|~/src/cs/test3[660]: git status
> # On branch gh-pages
> # You have unmerged paths.
> #   (fix conflicts and run "git commit")
> #
> # Changes to be committed:
> #
> #     modified:
> #     deleted:    images/bg_hr.png
> #     deleted:    images/blacktocat.png
> #     deleted:    images/icon_download.png
> #     deleted:    images/sprite_download.png
> #     deleted:    javascripts/main.js
> #     new file:   junk.txt
> #     deleted:    params.json
> #     deleted:    stylesheets/pygment_trac.css
> #     deleted:    stylesheets/stylesheet.css
> #
> # Unmerged paths:
> #   (use "git add/rm <file>..." as appropriate to mark resolution)
> #
> #     deleted by them:    index.html
> #
> And the resulting gh-pages looks like:
> Home|~/src/cs/test3[661]: ls
> Attic       index.html      javascripts     junk.txt
> So yes, it did merge and junk.txt but for some reason deleted 
> images, javascripts/main, stylsheets and params.json.
> I guess there's a configuration problems somewhere.  Maybe the way I pulled 
> the gh-pages after creating the website on github?  I bet that's it.  But I 
> did add . and commit in gh-pages and it all worked with a dummy 
> initially.
> The test site is here: 
> and the gh-pages here, with a dummy README
> Thanks for the reinforcement, however .. I should go thru all the steps 
> 1-at-a-time and see if there's anything odd there.
>    -- Owen
> On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 2:46 PM, Joshua Thorp <> wrote:
> Owen,
> Looks like you have things working just how you want them to.  You can keep 
> working in your master branch and whenever you want to update gh-pages,
> git checkout gh-pages
> git merge master
> done.
> So long as you never merge gh-pages into master you are golden.
> —joshua
> On Dec 4, 2013, at 9:19 PM, Owen Densmore <> wrote:
>> This should be easy but I haven't figured out a solution yet.
>> I have a repository (repo), agentscript.  It has not only the core code and 
>> "plugins" but docs, models, and js/min.js files which require hosting .. 
>> i.e. something that can "serve" these html/js files.
>> GHPages, the github project hosting service provides this.  GHPages works by 
>> having a branch, gh-pages, which is stored on their hosting service (not 
>> their project site)
>> But to use their hosting service and nifty templates, there are several, 5, 
>> extra files/folders generated and live in the branch
>> I'd like to maintain the branch separately, with the 5 extra files/folders, 
>> and periodically add all of the main/master repo to this.  I believe the 
>> branches would have to remain separate, even tho sharing most of their files.
>> Git merge won't work, I think.  If I merge the master into the branch, the 
>> branch becomes the master, and I no longer have separation between the two 
>> .. and I pollute the master repo with the extra web service files.
>> Is there a git trick that would let me maintain two separate branches, and 
>> periodically "merge" the master files into the branch, yet keep the 5 branch 
>> web service files/folders out of the master?
>> Oh, in addition, the server files need no updating at all after their 
>> initial creation.  They simply use the project for their "content".
>>    -- Owen
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