Just looked at it, I like it!

is a post on gh-pages and various ways to manage it.  It in turn was one of
several responses from this:
which discussed the mirroring approach.

What I REALLY want is a bit further down the first link, below.
    git push -f origin master:gh-pages
I tried it and ran into trouble, but I think its the same trouble I
currently have, getting the branches confused.  If it works, I can create a
trivial gh-page from the auto generation tool which simply brings in my
README.md and makes it the content div of the page. I can then not ever
bother with the local gh-pages branch at all!

That'd be nice,

   -- Owen

Merging via git push #<http://oli.jp/2011/github-pages-workflow/#merge-via-push>

Nicolas Gallagher came across another way to merge master into
 inGitHub’s Help on remotes<http://help.github.com/remotes/#pushing_a_branch> —
you can push your local master branch to the gh-pagesbranch on GitHub:

git push -f origin master:gh-pages

This would replace the last four steps of Lea’s workflow. Your master branch
needs to be a mirror or subset of the remote gh-pages branch, and it means
if you’ve got the gh-pages branch locally it’ll now be behind GitHub’s
version. However, using this method you can essentially ignore (or not even
have) the gh-pages branch locally.

Thanks to Nicolas Gallagher and Paul Irish for ’splaining this to me
(repeatedly :)

The -f (force) makes the push happen even if the gh-pages branch is newer
(avoiding a “non-fast-forward updates were
error). When using this method you shouldn’t be working on gh-pages at all,
so the only time this will happen is if someone else pushes changes ahead
of you. In that case you can merge those changes into your local master and
push the gh-pages branch again. This is the shell script for
 that Move the Web Forward <http://movethewebforward.org/> uses.

On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 7:02 PM, Joshua Thorp <jos...@stigmergic.net> wrote:

> One last thing:
> I use gitx http://gitx.frim.nl/ a simple little OSX app that has a nice
> graphical display of your history.
> Helps to see where you are, when you have multiple branches in the picture.
> —joshua
> On Dec 5, 2013, at 6:51 PM, Owen Densmore <o...@backspaces.net> wrote:
> Wow, sounds quite possible .. I'll try it this evening or tomorrow.
> I'll also see if there's a git history command that'll help clarify things.
> Thans!
>    -- Owen
> On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 4:31 PM, Joshua Thorp <jos...@stigmergic.net>wrote:
>> This looks to me like at some point gh-pages was merged to master.  So
>> that when you deleted “stylesheets" in master,  merging to gh-pages also
>> included this delete action…  My guess is that if you added the stylesheets
>> directory back into gh-pages you wouldn’t ever experience this problem
>> again.
>> —joshua
>> On Dec 5, 2013, at 4:01 PM, Owen Densmore <o...@backspaces.net> wrote:
>> I thought so too.  But here's an experiment.
>> master dir has this (Attic is in .gitignore and just has stuff removed):
>> *Home|~/src/cs/test3[649]: ls*
>> *Attic README.md junk.txt*
>> while gh-pages has:
>> *Home|~/src/cs/test3[653]: ls*
>> *Attic images javascripts stylesheets*
>> *README.md index.html params.json*
>> I then run this exeriment: go to each branch, check status .. both clean.
>>  Then I try the merge.
>> *Home|~/src/cs/test3[655]: git checkout master*
>> *Switched to branch 'master'*
>>  *Home|~/src/cs/test3[656]: git status*
>> *# On branch master*
>> *nothing to commit, working directory clean*
>> *Home|~/src/cs/test3[657]: git checkout gh-pages*
>> *Switched to branch 'gh-pages'*
>>  *Home|~/src/cs/test3[658]: git status*
>> *# On branch gh-pages*
>> *nothing to commit, working directory clean*
>> *Home|~/src/cs/test3[659]: git merge master*
>> *Removing stylesheets/stylesheet.css*
>> *Removing stylesheets/pygment_trac.css*
>> *Removing params.json*
>> *Removing javascripts/main.js*
>> *CONFLICT (modify/delete): index.html deleted in master and modified in
>> HEAD. Version HEAD of index.html left in tree.*
>> *Removing images/sprite_download.png*
>> *Removing images/icon_download.png*
>> *Removing images/blacktocat.png*
>> *Removing images/bg_hr.png*
>> *Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.*
>> *Home|~/src/cs/test3[660]: git status*
>> *# On branch gh-pages*
>> *# You have unmerged paths.*
>> *#   (fix conflicts and run "git commit")*
>> *#*
>> *# Changes to be committed:*
>> *#*
>> *# modified:   README.md*
>> *# deleted:    images/bg_hr.png*
>> *# deleted:    images/blacktocat.png*
>> *# deleted:    images/icon_download.png*
>> *# deleted:    images/sprite_download.png*
>> *# deleted:    javascripts/main.js*
>> *# new file:   junk.txt*
>> *# deleted:    params.json*
>> *# deleted:    stylesheets/pygment_trac.css*
>> *# deleted:    stylesheets/stylesheet.css*
>> *#*
>> *# Unmerged paths:*
>> *#   (use "git add/rm <file>..." as appropriate to mark resolution)*
>> *#*
>> *# deleted by them:    index.html*
>> *#*
>> And the resulting gh-pages looks like:
>> *Home|~/src/cs/test3[661]: ls*
>> *Attic README.md index.html javascripts junk.txt*
>> So yes, it did merge README.md and junk.txt but for some reason deleted
>> images, javascripts/main, stylsheets and params.json.
>> I guess there's a configuration problems somewhere.  Maybe the way I
>> pulled the gh-pages after creating the website on github?  I bet that's it.
>>  But I did add . and commit in gh-pages and it all worked with a dummy
>> README.md initially.
>> The test site is here:
>>     http://backspaces.github.io/test/
>> and the gh-pages here, with a dummy README
>>     https://github.com/backspaces/test
>> Thanks for the reinforcement, however .. I should go thru all the steps
>> 1-at-a-time and see if there's anything odd there.
>>    -- Owen
>> On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 2:46 PM, Joshua Thorp <jos...@stigmergic.net>wrote:
>>> Owen,
>>> Looks like you have things working just how you want them to.  You can
>>> keep working in your master branch and whenever you want to update gh-pages,
>>> git checkout gh-pages
>>> git merge master
>>> done.
>>> So long as you never merge gh-pages into master you are golden.
>>> —joshua
>>> On Dec 4, 2013, at 9:19 PM, Owen Densmore <o...@backspaces.net> wrote:
>>> This should be easy but I haven't figured out a solution yet.
>>> I have a repository (repo), agentscript.  It has not only the core code
>>> and "plugins" but docs, models, and js/min.js files which require hosting
>>> .. i.e. something that can "serve" these html/js files.
>>> GHPages, the github project hosting service provides this.  GHPages
>>> works by having a branch, gh-pages, which is stored on their hosting
>>> service (not their project site)
>>> But to use their hosting service and nifty templates, there are several,
>>> 5, extra files/folders generated and live in the branch
>>> I'd like to maintain the branch separately, with the 5 extra
>>> files/folders, and periodically add all of the main/master repo to this.  I
>>> believe the branches would have to remain separate, even tho sharing most
>>> of their files.
>>> Git merge won't work, I think.  If I merge the master into the branch,
>>> the branch becomes the master, and I no longer have separation between the
>>> two .. and I pollute the master repo with the extra web service files.
>>> Is there a git trick that would let me maintain two separate branches,
>>> and periodically "merge" the master files into the branch, yet keep the 5
>>> branch web service files/folders out of the master?
>>> Oh, in addition, the server files need no updating at all after their
>>> initial creation.  They simply use the project README.md for their
>>> "content".
>>>    -- Owen
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