It's all a big ho hum here too. I very rarely use SMS (maybe 1-2
messages per month, which are effectively free, and in any case comes
out of a different budget than IP charges, which WhatsApp et al use),
as its an inferior platform to email. WhatsApp, Viber, Line just seem
to be more of the same - inferior to email, so I never bothered.

The main use I have for SMS is as an independent channel - I can send
authentication details (username by email, password by SMS) to my
users. Of course, it would be so much better if the users in question
actually used encrypted email (PGP), but for some reason, after more
than 15 years, email encryption hasn't been widely adopted.

Using an IP-based app for this purpose would be vulnerable to IP
sniffing anyway...


On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 05:14:43PM -0500, Pamela McCorduck wrote:
> The Internet was conceived and first implemented by a small group of 
> government  and university researchers: J. C. R. Licklider, Bob Kahn, Vint 
> Cert, and several other pioneers. (So when I hear Silly Valley Libertarians 
> go on and on, the best I can do is laugh.) 
> My question to this august group is: now that the momentum for innovation has 
> moved to the private sector, are we going to see nothing but these trivial, 
> mostly copycat apps that make your eyes glaze over? Is the private sector 
> capable of genuine innovation?
> Pamela
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Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics
University of New South Wales

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